Showing posts with label urbex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label urbex. Show all posts

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Signs of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Times

Today marks five years since the UK entered its first Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic lockdown.

On the 23rd March 2020 the UK effectively ceased normal operations as the country was put into lockdown.

Once we were allowed out photographed as much Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic and Social Distancing signage and notices as we could to document the times.

There is certainly a real variety of warnings, instructions and directional signage to do with social distancing.

Social distancing signs at Cheadle Makers Market
Social distancing signs at Cheadle Makers Market

We were amused by this photo Emily took of the social distancing measures in place on an escalator in M&S!

Social distancing measures in place on an escalator in M&S
Surely the 2 metre apart distance stickers should be on the moving walkway as well, rather than the static sides of the escalator?

Here are just a few of the signs we snapped.

Social distancing sign on a bench in Colne
A bench in Colne, Lancashire

Covid-19 signage at Puttstars Mini Golf in Rochdale
Covid-19 signage at Puttstars Mini Golf in Rochdale

Covid signs at The Happy Shopper convenience store in Sheffield
Covid signs at The Happy Shopper convenience store in Sheffield

Social distancing at an abandoned Blockbuster Video store in Manchester
Social distancing at an abandoned Blockbuster Video store in Manchester 

You can view over 1,800 of the signs at the links below:

It's still possible to see Covid-19 Coronavirus signage and I reckon the remnants of the pandemic will be visible for many years to come.

Related blog posts:

Friday, March 21, 2025

New mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Finding some new mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport.

We're big fans of street art and it's always fun spotting new pieces when wandering. Earlier this week we spotted a new piece showing a circle/letter O on the side of The Friary fish & chip shop on Castle Street in Edgeley and on a subsequent walk found the letter R on the Royal Oak pub, so guessed there were more letters that would spell out the word "STOCKPORT"!

Stockport Mosaic Tile Street Art in Edgeley

We did a bit of further research - as well as receiving a comment from the artists on Instagram - and found that the group behind the new mosaic tile street art in Edgeley were Grit Studios, Mosaics in ManchesterStockport County Community Trust, and The Writing Squad. It's from some of the same team that were behind the prominent 'The Scarf My Father Wore' mural project in Edgeley.

The Scarf My Father Wore Mural, snow and Christmas tree in Edgeley in January this year
The Scarf My Father Wore Mural, snow and Christmas tree in Edgeley in January this year

A trail map for the S T O C K P O R T letter mosaic artwork is coming soon...

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

You can find some other nice mosaics in Edgeley at the Library on Edgeley Road.

There's also a lot of superb street art around the town centre and wider borough.

We're big fans of Invader's work too, and you can find Invader Was Here mosaics in Manchester city centre.

We'll be keeping an eye our for more of Mosaics in Manchester's work too - we've seen some pieces on our walks around the city before.

Check out these other posts about mosaics on the blog.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

S T O C K P O R T mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport

Spotting some new mosaic tile street art in Edgeley, Stockport.

We're big fans of street art and it's always fun spotting new pieces when wandering. We noticed a new piece showing a circle/letter O on the side of The Friary fish & chip shop on Castle Street in Edgeley and on a subsequent walk found the letter R on the Royal Oak pub, so guessed there were more letters that would spell out the word "STOCKPORT"!

Stockport Mosaic Tile Street Art on Castle Street in Edgeley, Stockport
Mosaic tile street art on Castle Street in Edgeley, Stockport

There are no other markings on the artwork so we don't know who did it, and we're pretty sure they're very recent additions to the fabric of Edgeley as we are round that way pretty much every day and hadn't noticed them before.

They're a very nice touch, so a job well done to the artist or artists behind them. 

Saturday, March 08, 2025

The Stratford Flyer steam train passing through Adswood, Stockport

The Stratford Flyer steam train service from the Railway Touring Company passing through Adswood in Stockport, Greater Manchester at 7.47am on Saturday 8th March 2025.

The service was hauled by Black 5 locomotive No. 45212.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Lost Shops - Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire (May 2021)

Taking a look at the former Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire (May 2021)

In 2021 the old sign at the former Blockbuster Video store on Regent Street in Nuneaton was uncovered when the tenant of the building moved out.

It was brilliant to see such a well maintained piece of signage - it looked like the store could've re-opened that day!

Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton (May 2021)

Blockbuster Video in the UK

At its peak in 2004 there were more than 9,000 stores around the world. 500-plus of those were in the UK.

Blockbuster ceased operations in the UK in December 2013. At the start of that year there were 528 Blockbuster locations in the UK. The number dwindled until October when only 264 shops remained. The last stores closed on the 16th December.

There are still some visible remnants of the brand on the high street and on retail parks. And we've been to most of them on our travels!

Check out the posts about former Blockbuster Video stores we've been to in:

Lost brands

Emily and I have spent the last few years reminiscing about 'the good old days'. One of our areas of interest is in old retail brands - we're both marketers by profession and two of my first jobs in the 1990's and the year 2000 were at Tandy and Toys R Us, while Emily's first job was at a Happy Shopper shop. It's been fascinating to find remnants of these brands - and a number of other lost, dead and defunct brands - on the high street and at retail parks around the UK.

Monday, November 18, 2024

GBRf 66725 train passing through Reddish South station in Stockport, Greater Manchester

The GB Railfreight Class 66 locomotive No. 66307 was named 'Ipswich Town' this year.

Although when it passed through Reddish South station in Stockport, Greater Manchester on the 18th November 2024 it was quite mucky indeed!

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Peaks Express steam train passing through Shaw Heath, Stockport

The Peaks Express steam train passing through Shaw Heath, Stockport at lunchtime on Sunday 27th October 2024.

The service was pulled by LMS Stainer Class 5 4-6-0 No. 45212.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

The Blockbuster Video Store in Fallowfield, Manchester - Five Years On

A look back at the old Blockbuster Video store in Fallowfield, Manchester.

A look at what's left of Blockbuster Video on Fallowfield Retail Park
This is what was left of Blockbuster Video on Fallowfield Retail Park back in October 2019

I found the preserved remains of a 'dead brand' - Blockbuster Video - while in Manchester five years ago today!

It became the first of many former Blockbuster Video stores Emily and I travelled to once we found that there were still some other visible remains of the brand to be seen on high streets and at shopping centres around the UK.

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
Oh, what happened to this sign?

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
Dark clouds gathered over the brand in 2013

Blockbuster Video entered the UK video rental market in 1989 following the purchase of Ritz Video. In 2013 there were over 500 Blockbuster locations in the UK. Throughout that year the number dwindled until October when only 264 shops remained. On the 16th December 2013 all stores ceased operations.

On the visit to the old Fallowfield shop in October 2019 the Blockbuster Video store sign was prominently displayed on both sides of the main sign at Fallowfield Retail Park and the windows of the shop still retained Blockbuster signage.

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
A sign in the shop window

Most of the shelves inside had been removed, but the walls and desks clearly retained the brand colours of Blockbuster.

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
The window graphics still looked fresh

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
Clearly still recognisable as a Blockbuster on the inside

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
The shelves were bare

There is currently one independently owned franchise still operating as a Blockbuster Video in the USA and you can find it in Bend, Oregon.

The last remnants of Blockbuster Video in Manchester
Quik Drop box to nowhere

We made several more visits to the abandoned Blockbuster Video shop at Fallowfield Retail Park, including one last look as it was being demolished in January 2024.

Other Blockbuster Video stores

There are still traces of former video shops to be found on the streets, shopping centres and retail parks of the UK. While most of those are old Blockbuster Video stores, there are remnants of (and in some cases still operating) independent video shops to be seen if you're lucky. Some of those we've snapped over the years include:

Do you still have a video store near you?

By my reckoning there are three video shops still in operation in the UK. They are:

I've been to two of the above, with Snips Movies on my to visit list in the future. Hopefully I'll be able to get a membership card for the shop too.

Do you have a favourite defunct brand? Are the remains of an old brand still visible near where you live or work? Do let me know.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

An "L" Train in Chicago, August 2024

A Chicago "L" Train passing above street level in August 2024.

MENTOR Overhead Line Test Train in Stockport

A MENTOR Overhead Line Test Train in Stockport on the 31st August 2023.

MENTOR stands for Mobile Electrical Network Testing, Observation and Recording.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Heritage Train passing through Edgeley, Stockport

Early morning train nerdery in Edgeley, Stockport on Saturday 24th August 2024.

This was the West Coast Railways Unadvertised Express from Crewe to Carlisle.

InterCity 125 Heritage Train passing through Edgeley, Stockport

Early morning train nerdery in Edgeley, Stockport on Saturday 24th August 2024.

This was the Hanson & Hall Unadvertised Express InterCity 125 from Crewe to Edinburgh.

It's really saying something when a Midland Mainline InterCity 125 that I used to commute into London from Luton on is considered a heritage train!

Monday, July 01, 2024

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

A look at the site of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich, Norfolk in June 2024.

The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich
The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

While the last of the original Toys R Us stores in the UK closed on the 24th April 2018 the brand returned to the UK in 2022 with an online presence, and further expanded in 2023 with the opening of nine concessions inside WH Smith.

It's been very interesting to find that there are still remnants of the brand on some retail parks in the UK and we've visited a number of these closed, abandoned, derelict and demolished Toys R Us locations on our travels.

We first visited the old Norwich Toys R Us store in August 2021, and returned in April 2022. On our visit last month the site was part way through being turned into a new Home Bargains store.

The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich
The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich
The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich
The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich
The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich
The location of the former Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

Lost Toys R Us Stores

My book about Lost Toys R Us Stores is available to buy from Amazon.

There were once 105 Toys R Us stores in the UK. The business ceased trading in 2018 and all of the shops closed.

It is still possible to find traces of the brand on some retail parks and shopping centres around the UK.

The book takes a look at some of those old stores between 2019 and 2021.

Buy Lost Toys R Us Stores on Amazon.

Monday, April 01, 2024

Pubs of Stockport during the coronavirus pandemic

A look at Stopfordian Pubs during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Four years ago today we photographed The Kings Tap on Station Road in Cheadle Hulme. It became the first of 265 pubs, bars and clubs we visited in the borough between April and the 4th of July when the first coronavirus pandemic lockdown ended.

Pub number 1 - The Kings Tap on Station Road in Cheadle Hulme. A lovely Art Deco building. We'd never seen it shuttered before the lockdown
Pub number 1 - The Kings Tap on Station Road in Cheadle Hulme. A lovely Art Deco building. We'd never seen it shuttered before the lockdown

We visited each of the pubs while on our daily outdoor exercise between Wednesday 1st April and before pubs were allowed to reopen with social distancing measures on Saturday 4th July.

It gave us something to do during the lockdowns and it was interesting to see the variety of architecture, different signage, parts of the town we haven't been to for a long time and other parts of the area we've never been to. I documented the pubs on Instagram using the #StopfordianPubs tag.

At the 265th pub on our lockdown 'pub crawl'. Not a drop was drunk on our daily walks in April, May, June and July
At the 265th pub on our lockdown 'pub crawl'. Not a drop was drunk on our daily walks in April, May, June and July

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading

Spotting an abandoned Toys R Us store in Reading, Berkshire.

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

The shop unit at Gateway retail park looked to be in great condition and most of the signage and branding was still on display.

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

This particular branch of Toys R Us was only open for five months before the brand ceased trading in the UK.

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

Toys R Us closed its UK operation in April 2018.

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

Toys R Us at Gateway Retail Park in Reading (September 2022)

It's been very interesting to find that there are still remnants of the brand on some retail parks in the UK and we've visited a number of these closed, abandoned, derelict and demolished Toys R Us locations on our travels.

My first job while at university in the year 2000 was as one of Geoffrey's helpers at the Luton store. I worked on the video game and electronics section.

Former Toys R Us locations we've visited on our travels:

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich

A look at the Toys R Us store at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich, Norfolk in April 2022.

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich (April 2022)

Toys R Us closed in the UK in April 2018.

It's been very interesting to find that there are still remnants of the brand on some retail parks in the UK and we've visited a number of these closed, abandoned, derelict and demolished Toys R Us locations on our travels.

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich (April 2022)

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich (April 2022)

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich (April 2022)

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich (April 2022)

Toys R Us at Cathedral Retail Park in Norwich (April 2022)