Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopping. Show all posts

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton - May 2021

The old sign at the former Blockbuster Video store on Regent Street in Nuneaton was uncovered when a tenant of the building moved out. This is how the store looked on the 2nd May 2021.

Blockbuster Video store locations we've visited on our travels

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Blockbuster Video Express in Billingham Town Centre - April 2021

A visit to the old Blockbuster Video Express store in Billingham town centre, Teesside.

Blockbuster Video store locations we've visited on our travels

Monday, December 16, 2024

Happy Shopper shops - Sheffield (closed)

There are still a few Happy Shopper shops around England and Wales.

Here's a look at the Happy Shopper in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

Check out this blog post looking back at our visits to Happy Shopper shops since 2020.

View my YouTube Playlist of Happy Shopper shop videos.

The demise of Blockbuster Video in the UK

The last Blockbuster Video shop ceased trading in the UK on this day in 2013.

Blockbuster Video in Fallowfield, Manchester

Blockbuster Video entered the UK video rental market in 1989 following the purchase of Ritz Video.

In 2013 there were over 500 Blockbuster locations in the UK. Throughout that year the number dwindled until October when only 264 shops remained. On the 16th December 2013 all stores ceased operations.

It's amazing that there are still clearly visible remnants of the brand on the high street and on retail parks eleven years later.

Lost Blockbuster Video store in Prescot, Merseyside
If you're lucky, and know where to look, you might find a QuikDrop box hiding in plain sight

The first Blockbuster Video store had opened in Dallas, Texas, USA on the 19th October 1985.

The very last Blockbuster Video store in operation is in Bend, Oregon, USA.

Blockbuster Video in Fallowfield, Manchester
Blockbuster Video in Fallowfield, Manchester

The sign about the closure was still visible on the window there before it was demolished.

Blockbuster Video in Fallowfield, Manchester

At its peak in 2004 there were more than 9,000 Blockbuster stores around the world. 500+ of which were in England, Scotland and Wales. Interestingly in Northern Ireland the Xtra-Vision brand was used by the owners in-line with the Republic of Ireland.

Blockbuster certainly wasn't the first video rental shop brand, but it was at one time the market leader.

Blockbuster Video store locations we've visited on our travels

Lost brands

Emily and I have spent the last few years reminiscing about 'the good old days'. One of our areas of interest is in old retail brands - we're both marketers by profession and two of my first jobs in the 1990's and the year 2000 were at Tandy and Toys R Us, while Emily's first job was at a Happy Shopper shop. It's been fascinating to find remnants of these brands - and a number of other lost, dead and defunct brands - on the high street and at retail parks around the UK.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Happy Shopper shops - Ashwellthorpe

There are still a few Happy Shopper shops around England and Wales.

Here's a look at the Happy Shopper in Ashwellthorpe, Norfolk.

Check out this blog post looking back at our visits to Happy Shopper shops since 2020.

View my YouTube Playlist of Happy Shopper shop videos.

Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

There's a Toys R Us at WH Smith in Salisbury, Wiltshire.

Toys R Us at WH Smith in Salisbury
Toys R Us at WH Smith in Salisbury

Emily spotted this new Toys R Us store at WH Smith in Salisbury on a recent trip to the city.

Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury
Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

It was a nice to see these framed pictures showing the evolution of the brand's mascot Geoffrey the Giraffe over the years inside the shop.

Geoffrey the Giraffe poster at Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

Geoffrey the Giraffe poster at Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

Geoffrey the Giraffe poster at Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

Geoffrey the Giraffe poster at Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

Geoffrey the Giraffe poster at Toys R Us inside WH Smith in Salisbury

While the last of the original Toys R Us stores in the UK closed on the 24th April 2018 the brand returned to the UK in 2022 with an online presence, and further expanded in 2023 with the opening of nine concessions inside WH Smith.

There are currently 76 Toys R Us concessions in WH Smith shops (up from 39 in September this year), with more planned to open. Visit the Toys R Us website for more information.

Working at Toys R Us

My first job while at university in the year 2000 was as one of Geoffrey's helpers at the Luton store. I worked on the video game and electronics section.

Toys R Us concessions in the USA

Emily saw a Toys R Us at a Macy's department store in Fort Worth, Texas and a sign for one at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on a trip to the USA earlier this year.

The old Toys R Us

It's been very interesting to find that there are still remnants of the brand on some retail parks in the UK and we've visited several of these closed, abandoned, derelict and demolished Toys R Us locations on our travels.

Lost Toys R Us Stores

My book about Lost Toys R Us Stores is available to buy from Amazon.

There were once 105 Toys R Us stores in the UK. The business ceased trading in 2018 and all of those shops closed. It is still possible to find traces of the brand on some retail parks and shopping centres around the UK. The book takes a look at some of those old stores between 2019 and 2021.

Buy Lost Toys R Us Stores on Amazon.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Happy Shopper shops - Lowestoft

There are still a few Happy Shopper shops around England and Wales.

Here's a look at the Happy Shopper in Lowestoft, Suffolk.

Check out this blog post looking back at our visits to Happy Shopper shops since 2020.

View my YouTube Playlist of Happy Shopper shop videos.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Lost Shops - Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire (May 2021)

Taking a look at the former Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire.

Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire (May 2021)

In 2021 the old sign at the former Blockbuster Video store on Regent Street in Nuneaton was uncovered when the tenant of the building moved out.

It was brilliant to see such a well maintained piece of signage - it looked like the store could've re-opened that day!

Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton (May 2021)

Blockbuster Video in the UK

At its peak in 2004 there were more than 9,000 stores around the world. 500-plus of those were in the UK.

Blockbuster ceased operations in the UK in December 2013. At the start of that year there were 528 Blockbuster locations in the UK. The number dwindled until October when only 264 shops remained. The last stores closed on the 16th December.

There are still some visible remnants of the brand on the high street and on retail parks. And we've been to most of them on our travels!

Check out the posts about former Blockbuster Video stores we've been to in:

Lost brands

Emily and I have spent the last few years reminiscing about 'the good old days'. One of our areas of interest is in old retail brands - we're both marketers by profession and two of my first jobs in the 1990's and the year 2000 were at Tandy and Toys R Us, while Emily's first job was at a Happy Shopper shop. It's been fascinating to find remnants of these brands - and a number of other lost, dead and defunct brands - on the high street and at retail parks around the UK.

Friday, December 06, 2024

Happy Shopper shops - Burton on Trent (closed)

There are still a few Happy Shopper shops around England and Wales.

Here's a look at the Happy Shopper in Burton on Trent.

Check out this blog post looking back at our visits to Happy Shopper shops since 2020.

View my YouTube Playlist of Happy Shopper shop videos.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Happy Shopper shops - Sittingbourne

There are still a few Happy Shopper shops around England and Wales.

Here's a look at the Happy Shopper on Chaucer Road in Sittingbourne, Kent.

Check out this blog post looking back at our visits to Happy Shopper shops since 2020.

View my YouTube Playlist of Happy Shopper shop videos.

Sunday, December 01, 2024

Happy Shopper shops - Burton on Trent

There are still a few Happy Shopper shops around England and Wales.

Here's a look at the S & A Singh Happy Shopper Supermarket on Sydney Street in Burton on Trent.

Check out this blog post looking back at our visits to Happy Shopper shops since 2020.

View my YouTube Playlist of Happy Shopper shop videos.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

39 years of Blockbuster Video

Not completely gone, and not completely forgotten.

Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire
This was the sign at the Blockbuster Video store in Nuneaton, Warwickshire when it was uncovered for a short period of time in 2021

The first Blockbuster Video store opened in Dallas, Texas, USA on this day in 1985.

At its peak in 2004 there were more than 9,000 stores around the world. 500-plus of those were in the UK.

There has been a boom in nostalgia for the brand - which back in the day was seen as something of a 'category killer' that saw off many smaller operators.

Blockbuster in the UK

Blockbuster Video Express in Billingham, Teesside
The remains of the Blockbuster Video Express store in Billingham, Teesside in 2020

Blockbuster ceased operations in the UK in December 2013. At the start of that year there were 528 Blockbuster locations in the UK. The number dwindled until October when only 264 shops remained. The last stores closed on the 16th December.

There are still clearly visible remnants of the brand on the high street and on retail parks. And we've been to most of them on our travels!

Blockbuster Video stores we've visited

Blockbuster Video in Billingham, Teesside

Check out the posts about other former Blockbuster Video stores we've been to in:

Blockbuster Video Express in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight
A ghost sign at the old Blockbuster Video Express store in Shanklin on the Isle of Wight in 2021

Lost brands

Emily and I have spent the last few years reminiscing about 'the good old days'. One of our areas of interest is in old retail brands - we're both marketers by profession and two of my first jobs in the 1990's and the year 2000 were at Tandy and Toys R Us, while Emily's first job was at a Happy Shopper shop. It's been fascinating to find remnants of these brands - and a number of other lost, dead and defunct brands - on the high street and at retail parks around the UK.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Free Blockbuster Las Vegas at Sohn vintage shop in Las Vegas

A visit to the 'Free Blockbuster' in Las Vegas.

Free Blockbuster Las Vegas at Sohn vintage shop in Las Vegas

Emily made a visit to the Free Blockbuster 'pop up' video and DVD exchange/library/dispenser at Sohn vintage shop on her recent trip to Las Vegas.

Free Blockbuster Las Vegas at Sohn vintage shop in Las Vegas

The first Free Blockbuster was created in 2019 and since then more have been created in the USA, Canada, and one in the UK.

Free Blockbuster Las Vegas at Sohn vintage shop in Las Vegas

It's been fun following the Free Blockbuster movement's journey, and it'll be interesting to see where they appear next.

Free Blockbuster Las Vegas at Sohn vintage shop in Las Vegas

Emily took some DVDs from our collection and swapped them out for three wrestling VHS tapes! She managed to get a Free Blockbuster sticker and one for Sohn too.

Wrestling VHS video tapes from Free Blockbuster Las Vegas at Sohn
Wrestling goodness from the USA and Japan!

A happy customer of Free Blockbuster Las Vegas and Sohn
A happy customer of Free Blockbuster Las Vegas and Sohn

Hopefully I'll get to visit Las Vegas again in the future. It'd be superb to see the Free Blockbuster stall in person - and see what's new there to swap. The people at the store also showed Emily the vintage wrestling t-shirts they had in stock.

Sohn vintage store in Las Vegas

Check out the Sohn and Free Blockbuster websites for more information. And check out Free Blockbuster Las Vegas on Instagram.

A Free Blockbuster Las Vegas sticker

As well as being a wrestling fan I'm a fan of ALF and Emily bought a vintage ALF keyring and badge for my collection at Sohn!

An ALF keyring, badge, and a Sohn sticker
An ALF keyring, badge, and a Sohn sticker

Sohn seen from across the street in the Las Vegas heat!
Sohn seen from across the street in the Las Vegas heat!

Check out the blog posts about our travels to former Blockbuster video shops.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago, USA

A look at a Toys R Us at a Macy's department store in Chicago, Illinois.

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Emily visited this Toys R Us within a Macy's in Chicago last month.

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

It's one of over 450 Toys R Us stores you can find within Macy's in the USA.

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Visit the Toys R Us at Macy's website for more information.

Toys R Us at Macy's in Chicago

Working at Toys R Us

My first job while at university in the year 2000 was as one of Geoffrey's helpers at the Luton store. I worked on the video game and electronics section.

Toys R Us concessions in the UK

There are currently 39 Toys R Us concessions in WH Smith shops, with more planned to open through 2024. Visit the Toys R Us UK website for more information.

The old Toys R Us

It's been very interesting to find that there are still remnants of the brand on some retail parks in the UK and we've visited several of these closed, abandoned, derelict and demolished Toys R Us locations on our travels.

Lost Toys R Us Stores

My book about Lost Toys R Us Stores is available to buy from Amazon.

There were once 105 Toys R Us stores in the UK. The business ceased trading in 2018 and all of those shops closed. It is still possible to find traces of the brand on some retail parks and shopping centres around the UK. The book takes a look at some of those old stores between 2019 and 2021.

Buy Lost Toys R Us Stores on Amazon.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Toys R Us inside WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Toys R Us has opened at the Trafford Centre in Manchester.

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

The new Toys R Us concession is now open inside WH Smith at the Trafford Centre.

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

While the last of the original Toys R Us stores in the UK closed on the 24th April 2018 the brand returned to the UK in 2022 with an online presence, and further expanded in 2023 with the opening of nine concessions inside WH Smith.

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

There are currently 39 Toys R Us concessions in WH Smith shops, with more planned to open through 2024. Visit the Toys R Us website for more information.

Toys R Us in WH Smith at the Trafford Centre

Working at Toys R Us

My first job while at university in the year 2000 was as one of Geoffrey's helpers at the Luton store. I worked on the video game and electronics section.

Toys R Us concessions in the USA

Emily saw a Toys R Us at a Macy's department store in Fort Worth, Texas and a sign for one at Dallas Fort Worth International Airport on a trip to the USA earlier this year.

The old Toys R Us

It's been very interesting to find that there are still remnants of the brand on some retail parks in the UK and we've visited several of these closed, abandoned, derelict and demolished Toys R Us locations on our travels.

Lost Toys R Us Stores

My book about Lost Toys R Us Stores is available to buy from Amazon.

There were once 105 Toys R Us stores in the UK. The business ceased trading in 2018 and all of those shops closed. It is still possible to find traces of the brand on some retail parks and shopping centres around the UK. The book takes a look at some of those old stores between 2019 and 2021.

Buy Lost Toys R Us Stores on Amazon.