Sunday, January 19, 2025

How to play minigolf

Here's a minigolf sign about 'How to play minigolf' - in three languages (English, German and French).

A minigolf sign about 'How to play minigolf' - in three languages (English, German and French)
How to play minigolf

So wird bahnengolf gespielt

Jouer au minigolf

We found the sign at the minigolf course in Stoke Park, Guildford, Surrey on our Crazy World of Minigolf Tour back in 2008.

The Swedish Felt B-Run Minigolf course in Guildford's Stoke Park
The Swedish Felt B-Run Minigolf course in Guildford's Stoke Park

We revisited and replayed the course at Stoke Park in 2016.

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