David Hartley wins the 2019 Surrey Invitational Minigolf Tournament.
The field of competitors at the 2019 Surrey Invitational Tournament |
Planet Hastings Crazy Golf Club member David Hartley was victorious in the 2019 Surrey Invitational Tournament played at the New Forest Adventure Golf course in Hampshire on Sunday 5th May.
The 2019 Surrey Invitational Tournament champion David Hartley |
Eight players were in action over two rounds on the 18-hole
New Forest Adventure Golf course at Lymington Golf Centre.
The competitors at the New Forest Adventure Golf course |
The title race was incredibly close and required a sudden-death play-off to decide the winner as defending champion Oliver 'The Machine' Florence and David Hartley had tied with scores of 105 after 36-holes. Interim champion 'Squire' Richard Gottfried missed out on the play-off by one-shot and had to settle for third place.
New Surrey Invitational Tournament champion David Hartley in action |
The play-off began on hole 10 and saw David hit a two, which Oliver couldn't match or beat, meaning David took the victory.
David Hartley looks on as Oliver plays his tee-shot in the sudden-death play-off |
Speaking after his win, new Surrey Invitational Tournament champion David Hartley said "I’m absolutely chuffed to nine pence as I now have three trophies adorning my top shelf. Maz and I play for the enjoyment of the sport and for the friendship and camaraderie. Prizes and trophies don’t often come our way so when they do, it is very gratifying. It was a great tournament, with excellent colleagues, played on a beautiful, well designed and well maintained course."
1. David Hartley – 54 + 51 = 105*
2. Oliver Florence – 56 + 49 = 105
3. Richard Gottfried – 50 + 56 = 106
4. Dave Gomm – 58 + 52 = 110
5. Matt Dodd – 57 + 59 = 116
5. Emily Gottfried – 61 + 55 = 116
7. Marion Hartley – 59 + 60 = 119
8. Emily Dodd – 90 + DNF = DNF
* won play-off at first extra-hole
The New Forest Adventure Golf course is an incredibly tricky layout and holes-in-one are scarce. Three players managed to score an ace, with David Hartley getting an ace on hole 9 in round 1, Marion Hartley on hole 13 in round 1 and Oliver Florence on hole 4 in round 2. This meant a play-off was required to decide the event's Aces Champion.
Oliver Florence in action |
All three players scored twos on hole 1, with Oliver's ball ending incredibly close to the hole. On hole 2 Marion shot a 4, David followed with a 3 and Oliver couldn't match or beat the 3, which meant that David won the Aces title and trophy to go with his overall championship at the event.
The Surrey Invitational Tournament trophy and Aces crystal ball |
Surrey Invitational Tournament Roll of Honour:
2019 – David Hartley
2016 – Oliver Florence
2014 – Matt Dodd
New Surrey Invitational Tournament Champion David Hartley and former winners Matt Dodd and Oliver Florence |
Each round winner of the Surrey Invitational Tournament gets to lift the trophy, but only the overall winner gets to keep it until the next staging of the event.
Interim champion after round 1 - Richard Gottfried |
Interim champion after round 2 - Oliver Florence |
Interim Champions:
2019 – Oliver 'The Machine' Florence at New Forest Adventure Golf in Lymington
2019 – 'Squire' Richard Gottfried at New Forest Adventure Golf in Lymington
2016 – Oliver 'The Machine' Florence at Stoke Park, Guildford
2016 – Steve 'F1' Gow at Woking Leisure Centre
2014 – 'Squire' Richard Gottfried at Horton Park Golf Club, Epsom
2014 – Oliver 'The Machine' Florence at Hoebridge Golf Centre, Woking
Photo gallery from the event:
The first shot of the S.I.T. by Richard Gottfried |
Dave Gomm in action |
Oliver Florence putting |
Emily Gottfried playing hole 1 |
Matt Dodd playing the hardest hole on the course |
A trip to the Isle of Wight |
Marion Hartley teeing-off in the Aces championship play-off |
As close to an ace as you could get on the first hole |
Marion Hartley playing hole 2 in the Aces title play-off |