The team at Kabuto Noodles
recently got in touch with me on Twitter to let me know about their
new gluten free noodles and see whether I'd like to give them a try.
Of course I was delighted to give them a sample and received a box of six pots of the noodles - three Miso and three Chicken flavour.
The Miso and Chicken gluten free rice noodles from Kabuto Noodles |
The pots look colourful and the instructions are clear (and fun). It's been ages since I've had noodles from a pot - they used to be a favourite snack of mine in my pre-coeliac disease days - so it was great to see Kabuto launching them.
After boiling the kettle it was a mere four minutes (plus a bit of cooling off time) before I was tucking into the chicken rice noodles, and very good they were too. For a tasty and filling lunch, or quick and easy dinner, I'd recommend them.
The packaging is really well designed and fun, with plenty of fun nods to Ninjas, Samurai and Japan. I really like what they've done to the barcode on the pot too.
There are seven flavours of Kabuto Noodles - with two of them being gluten free. Check out the
Kabuto Noodles website for more information.
I've tried both the chicken and miso flavours and my favourite is the chicken.
You can find Kabuto Noodles on sale at Waitrose, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Whole Foods Market, as well as Amazon and Ocado. To find your nearest stockist, or to recommend a shop that could be selling the noodles
get in touch with the Kabuto team.
Kabuto Noodles
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