
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club in Bristol

Information about the Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club in Knowle West, Bristol.

The Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club has been created in Knowle West, Bristol.

A new home-based minigolf club has been created ahead of the building of a brand new minigolf course in Bristol.

Many thanks to our friend, minigolf rival and Midlands Minigolf Club team-mate Kevin Moseley for letting us know about the new minigolf club and course near him in Bristol.

The Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club has been set-up by artist Megan Clark-Bagnall to introduce fun and creativity during lockdown.

Members of the online Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club are putting together ideas and obstacles in the Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club's Facebook Group. The new minigolf course will be opening at Filwood Community Centre later in the year.

It's brilliant to see another example of competitive isolation during the pandemic. We've loved seeing all of the different Putt At Home activities taking place around the world while people haven't been able to get out to play.

We're looking forward to following the progress of the club and playing the course on our Crazy World of Minigolf Tour.

Check out the Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club's Facebook Group and the Filwood Community Centre website for more information.


  1. The Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club in Knowle West, Bristol was created to entertain people during lockdown ahead of the opening of a new minigolf course in the future.

    It's a brilliant 'Putt At Home' project and the local residents and artists involved have been having great fun getting creative.

    Emily and I are looking forward to being guest judges at the PUTT PARTY Show & Tell later this month.

  2. The countdown is on to the launch of the Filwood Fantastic Mini Golf Club's new Crazy Golf course in Knowle West.

    The layout at Filwood Community Centre in Knowle West, Bristol opens on Saturday 3rd July.
