
Friday, August 23, 2019

Miniature Railway at Exhibition Park in Newcastle

A visit to the Miniature Railway at Exhibition Park in Newcastle upon Tyne.

Miniature Railway at Exhibition Park in Newcastle

We were taking part in the Gift of Life 5k Run in Newcastle's Exhibition Park on Sunday and on our second lap of the Town Moor we spotted the miniature railway running!

Miniature Railway at Exhibition Park in Newcastle
We'll have to tot up how many miniature railways we've visited on our travels. We seem to be finding a lot more!

The miniature railway is operated by the Tyneside Society of Model & Experimental Engineers. One of the members told us that they operate train rides on the first Sunday of the month.

Miniature Railway at Exhibition Park in Newcastle

Visit the Tyneside Society of Model & Experimental Engineers website for more information.

Miniature Railway at Exhibition Park in Newcastle

Back in 2009 we visited Exhibition Park to look at the derelict abandoned Crazy Golf course there. It was in a right state then and there was talk of a new course being built. That hasn't happened. We couldn't see the old course there either.

Related blog posts:
Miniature Railways
- Newcastle

Tyneside Society of Model & Experimental Engineers

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