
Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel - a new minigolf book by Glenda Young

There's a new murder mystery book out, and it features crazy golf in the plot!

Author and big minigolf fan Glenda Young has written a new book. Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel is the third in the Scarborough-set cosy crime series.

Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel will be available in the UK and internationally in both physical and e-versions from Thursday 14th September.

We were lucky enough to receive an advance copy from Glenda and it arrived yesterday. I'm pleased to say that I read it from cover to cover in one go and thoroughly enjoyed it.

Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel by Glenda Young - a minigolf book

You can find out more about Foul Play at the Seaview Hotel here.

Glenda blogs about minigolf at Two Crazy Golfers - with Scarborough a firm favourite location to play the game. It's one of our top tip for places to have a game too as there are so many courses there and such variety.

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