
Thursday, July 01, 2021

A Happy Shopper at The Hart of the Triangle

Finding a Happy Shopper shop in Fallowfield, Manchester.

We've been looking for examples of classic Happy Shopper shops and signage since spotting a closed version in Preston last year. Last night we found there's one very nearby to us! It's in the Fallowfield Triangle.

A few years ago the convenience store now known as The Hart of the Triangle was a full blown Happy Shopper. While most of the signage and branding has gone, the window decals are still in place. A lovely thing to see.

The Hart of the Triangle shop in Fallowfield, Manchester
The Hart of the Triangle - formerly Happy Shopper Supermarket

Happy Shopper sign at The Hart of the Triangle shop in Fallowfield, Manchester
The window decals are still there, although this one is temporarily covered by some posters

Happy Shopper sign at The Hart of the Triangle shop in Fallowfield, Manchester
Checking online there were a few years when the Happy Shopper decals were covered up completely so it's nice to see it was still intact underneath

Emily's first job was at a Happy Shopper in Ipswich and I remember seeing the Happy Shopper shops and branded products a lot when I was growing up in Oxfordshire back in the 1980's and 1990's. We didn't think there would be many left nowadays considering Happy Shopper underwent a rebrand in 2000.

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