
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Crazy World of Minigolf Tour update - July 2020

A Crazy World of Minigolf Tour update.

Before the coronavirus pandemic we were closing in on visiting the final 40 courses of the original 600 we set out to play in 2006. We're also getting very close to hitting 1,000 course visits overall.

We'd had a very strong start to the year and visited 20 courses in the first 20 days of 2020.

We're now up to 949 course visits since September 2006.

Who knows where and when our 950th course visit will be...?

Crazy World of Minigolf Tour update - July 2020

Minigolf in the time of Coronavirus

I've been blogging about Minigolf in the time of Coronavirus with examples of social distancing and Covid-19 hygiene measures in place.

There are a number of new minigolf courses being planned, designed, built and opened in the UK too. This month has seen a range of new indoor and outdoor courses open for the first time in Wolverhampton, Burnley, Gainsborough, London and Northampton.

1 comment:

  1. A walk-by look at the new Puttstars minigolf venue at Rochdale Riverside - course visit number 950 on our Crazy World of Minigolf Tour.

    The new Puttstars indoor minigolf centre at the Rochdale Riverside entertainment, leisure and shopping centre is opening in August.
