
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Crazy Golf in Wales

A look at names for the game of minigolf in Wales.

We love visiting Wales and have visited most of the minigolf courses in the country. We were supposed to have a holiday there back in March and one of the towns we planned to visit was Porthmadog.

On our minigolf road-trip around Wales in 2009 we arrived in Porthmadog just as the three miniature golf courses there were closing so were looking forward to finally playing them this year.

Golff Giamocs

Last week I posted this question on our Facebook Page - where did we see this sign and what does Golff Giamocs mean?

Crazy Golf course in Porthmadog, Wales
Giamocs means a number of things, but doesn't necessarily translate directly as 'crazy'

Some of the responses were very interesting as they gave us even more meanings when translated into English as 'Giamocs' can mean tricks, gimmick, prank, stunt and a joke.

All quite apt ways to describe Crazy Golf.

Ways to say minigolf in Welsh

We've seen a number of names for the game on signs and scorecards at courses.

Adventure Golf = Golff Anturus

Crazy Golf = Golff Gwyllt
Crazy Golf = Golff Giamocs
Crazy Golf = Golff Gwallgof
Crazy Golf = Golff Gwirion

Minigolf = Minigolff

Mini Golf = Golff Bach
Mini Golf = Golff Mini

Miniature Golf = Maes Golff
Miniature Golf Course = Cwrs Golff Bach

Pitch and Putt = Golff Byr

Putting Green = Llain Bytio

Golf = Golff
Course = Cwrs

Bach = Small
Maes = Field

Giamocs = Tricks / Gimmick / Prank / Stunt / a joke

Gwallgof = Crazy
Gwirion = Stupid
Gwyllt = Wild

Types of minigolf courses

Since our Crazy World of Minigolf Tour began in September 2006 we have visited and played minigolf in a number of forms, names and guises.

Definitions of minigolf

There are a number of different names for the game of minigolf. While there are some design standards for courses, most would be regarded as 'fantasy' courses where the end result is limited only by imagination, budgets and building regulations.

You can see the common names for the game of putting in this Definitions of minigolf blog post.


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