
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Famous retro vehicles from the 80s

I've seen a few different vehicles from the 80s on my travels including an Ecto-1 and Ecto-1a from Ghostbusters, a DMC DeLorean, a Star Wars Speeder Bike from Return of the Jedi, and most recently a Back to the Future DeLorean.

Ecto-1a and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Urmston, Greater Manchester
Ecto-1a and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Urmston, Greater Manchester last Halloween

A Back to the Future DeLorean in Salford, Greater Manchester
With a Back to the Future DeLorean in Salford, Greater Manchester

Next on my bucket list is KITT from Knight Rider and a legit A-Team van. I've seen quite a few bootlegs already.

The A-Team - tile company in Belfast and Lisburn
The best A-Team van I've seen to date

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