
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

A visit to the Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering.

While in Kettering last week we called in to the Manor House Museum in the town centre as we'd spotted a poster for the Out to Play exhibition there.

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

We're big fans of museums, sports and games and it's always interesting to see different displays and exhibitions.

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

Kettering is home to the famous Wicksteed Park and the exhibition included a number of items from the amusement park.

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

It was nice to spot something minigolf related on display.

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering

There were a lot of postcards used in the exhibition.

Out to Play exhibition at the Manor House Museum in Kettering
A nice old postcard of Wicksteed Park

Visit the Manor House Museum website for more information.

Our main reason for being in Kettering was to play the indoor Adventure Golf course at the New York Thunderbowl, our 900th course visit in the British Isles.

There is a Crazy Golf course and a Putting Green at Wicksteed Park and it's on our to visit list when the weather is nicer.

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