
Sunday, October 06, 2019

Happy National Mad Hatter Day

Today, 6th October, is National Mad Hatter Day.

Guinness World Record of 'Largest Gathering of People Wearing Boater Hats' in Luton
A lot of hats in Luton

The occurrence reminded me of the time Emily and I helped break the Guinness World Record of 'Largest Gathering of People Wearing Boater Hats' while we lived in Luton back in 2014.

The event was organised by the Museum Makers team and saw 797 people turn out for the record attempt and SMASH the previous record of 250 boater wearers.

Guinness World Record of 'Largest Gathering of People Wearing Boater Hats' in Luton
A pair of mad hatters

Luton is famous for it's hat industry. As is our new home town of Stockport!

Both football clubs are known as The Hatters and both towns have hat musuems.

The similarities don't end there as both towns are also under flight paths. You could call Stockport 'The Luton of the North', or Luton 'The Stockport of the South'. Though I can't imagine anyone would.

In fact it was the growth of the hat trade in Luton that contributed to the decline of the hat industry in Stockport.

Video from the official Guinness World Record attempt for the 'Largest Gathering of People Wearing Boater Hats' held at Wardown Park in Luton on Saturday 16th August 2014.

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