
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pac-Man ghost street art in Düsseldorf, Germany

Spotting the Pac-Man ghost stickers in Düsseldorf.

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany

Emily recently returned from Düsseldorf, Germany and while there noticed a lot of Pac-Man ghosts stuck up around the city.

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany
This was the first Pac-Man ghost Emily spotted

The Pac-Man ghost stickers are the work of the street artist known as Pdot who has put up 2,000 of the stickers in Düsseldorf!

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany

We're big fans of video games, Pac-Man and street art, so it was a nice surprise for Emily to see them on her trip.

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany
A yellow ghost. The stickers by Pdot are only found on the back of street signs

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany
A red ghost. And oh look, a tram too!

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany

Pac-Man ghost sticker street art by Pdot in Düsseldorf, Germany
They're hidden in plain sight everywhere!

Related blog posts:
- Pac-Man
- Street Art

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