
Thursday, August 01, 2019

Street art in Manchester

On Monday I managed to see two of the latest reactivated Invader street art pieces in Manchester.

The French street artist Invader visited Manchester in 2004 and put up 47 pieces of mosaic tile art with a total points value of 970. They look superb.

Invader MAN_17 in Manchester
This Mario Invader is one of my favourites

Over the years some have been damaged, removed and stolen. While some have been lost because the building they were on was knocked down!

That was the case for MAN_15.

Invader MAN_15 in Manchester
The new MAN_15 on a new building in Manchester city centre

Invader MAN_15 in Manchester
A closer look at MAN_15

Invader has invaded 78 cities around the world, putting up 3779 pieces in total.

Invader MAN_46 in Manchester
The reactivated Invader MAN_46. It's probably in the grubbiest location in Manchester

In the UK Invader has also invaded London and Newcastle and we've managed to find a few of his pieces on trips to the two cities.

During my latest trip to Manchester I also saw some of Mr Do Not's stickers in town.

A Mr Do Not sticker in Manchester
No Space Invaders

A Mr Do Not sticker in Manchester
No Monopoly

Mr Do Not stickers in Manchester
No photos and no love

And I noticed a new sticker has been added to the large Invader piece MAN_45.

Invader MAN_45 in Manchester
The wall around MAN_45 has got increasingly busy in the last year or so

A KIm Chunk Un sticker on Invader MAN_45 in Manchester
Kim Chunk Un!

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