
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Space Invaders street art

As fans of retro video games, tickable lists and urban exploration it's been brilliant to go 'Invader Hunting' over the last year and a half.

Invader LDN_120 in London
Invader LDN_120 in London

Luckily for us French street artist Invader visited Manchester in 2004 and put up 47 pieces of mosaic tile art with a total points value of 970. They look superb.

Invader MAN_16 in Manchester
Invader MAN_16 in Manchester

Here in the UK Invader has also invaded London and Newcastle and we've managed to find a few of his pieces on trips to the two cities.

Invader LDN_24 on Brick Lane in London
Invader LDN_24 on Brick Lane in London

But it's in Paris that Invader has really made his mark, with more than 1414 Invaders worth a total of 37650 points to be found all over the city!

Space Invader PA_598 in Paris
Emily's first flashed Invader

Emily's first official Invader logged on the Flash Invaders app was in Paris - PA_598.

PA_598 in Paris was worth 10 points
PA_598 was worth 10 points

To date I've managed to snap 112 Invaders on the Flash Invaders app - worth 2890 points. At the time of writing I'm ranked 13281st in the ever-changing world rankings. Emily is 62128th. The person at the top of the leader-board has found 2527 of them!

The first Invader I spotted in Manchester that reminded me that they existed - and got me hooked on finding more - was MAN_08 on Withy Grove Stores on Dantzic Street
The first Invader I spotted in Manchester that reminded me that they existed - and got me hooked on finding more - was MAN_08 on Withy Grove Stores on Dantzic Street

Looking for the Space Invaders has been brilliant fun and we've seen a lot of cities we wouldn't necessarily have explored if we weren't Invader Hunting. It's always nice to be on a leader-board for something too.

Invader NCL_01 in Newcastle
Invader NCL_01 in Newcastle is worth 30 points

To date Invader has invaded 78 cities around the world, putting up 3776 pieces.

Invader LDN_99 in London
Invader LDN_99 in London

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