
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Londi's not Londis

Our detour through Oldham on Friday meant we were travelling through some new places and when we spotted the sign at a shop on the Ripponden Road we had to stop to grab a snap. You see, the shop used to be a Londis, but is now 'Londi's'! A brilliantly simple bit of 'rebranding'.

Londi's Londis shop on the Ripponden Road in Oldham
What do you call your shop when you're no longer a Londis...

Trivia: The name Londis is a contraction of 'London District Stores'.

What a 'coincidence' the name of the new owner of the shop in Oldham was Londi eh.

It's no Singhbury's though.

Related blog posts:
- Bootleg
- Oldham

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