
Thursday, July 13, 2017

There's truth in advertising and then there's this!

Now, I'm all for truth in advertising, but I can't help but think this piece of signage at a butchers in Leeds Kirkgate Market would've benefited from a better descriptor of the product on sale.

Tripe for sale at Leeds Kirkgate Market
I suppose the 'branded' name of this product is 'Chitterlings'

The photo certainly caused a stir among followers of the Tripe Marketing Board on Twitter.

Ever since I first spotted tripe on a butcher's stall at Wigan Market in 2012 I've been following the Tripe Marketing Board with interest. Although not enough interest to have actually tried tripe. I'm fairly certain that cow's stomach is something of an acquired taste.

Visit the Tripe Marketing Board website for more information about tripe. You can also use Tripe Adviser to locate sellers of the 'delicacy'.

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