
Monday, June 05, 2017

A 'tickable list' I won't be attempting to complete

Finding a new tickable list activity in Stockport.

On our way back from a visit to the Stockport War Memorial Art Gallery last week we had a wander and a look at some of the interesting architecture we have in the town. Crossing the road from Stopford House - itself a stark example of Brutalism, and the setting for the police station in Life on Mars - we had a look across the town's landscape from atop a wall in a car park on Piccadilly. It was only when we were walking down the stairs that we noticed this plaque.

Piccadilly Retaining Wall No. 3 in Stockport

Now, we do like a tickable list activity. Well, we'd have to considering we've visited more than 700 miniature golf courses in the last ten and a bit years after first seeing a list of 600 back in 2006. We're also part way through visiting all the parks and green spaces in the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport after the Friends of Alexandra Park suggested it as a pleasant way to pass the time. We've been to ten out of the 33 listed so far, plus five that were not on the list. But to start finding all of these structures would be utter madness.

Piccadilly Retaining Wall No. 3 in Stockport
The plaque in place on the refurbed wall

I'm sure my fellow members of the Dull Men's Club will be intrigued to know there are - at least - 669 such structures in Stockport.

Piccadilly Retaining Wall No. 3 in Stockport
Another view of the retaining wall

I'm a fan of funny signs and I've seen some comedy plaques in the past so I had a look online to see if I could find a mention of any of the 669+ such structures. I indeed found a partial list. A list which showed the cost to refurbish the wall was £65,967.

Stopford House in Stockport
Brutalist architecture at its finest

Related blog posts:
- Stockport
- Dull Men's Club

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