
Friday, May 26, 2017

Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich

Last Friday we visited the wonderful Eaton Park in Norwich. After we'd played the superb Crazy Golf course we went for a look at the Miniature Railway. It looked like a brilliant layout.

Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
Another miniature railway visited on our travels

Eaton Park's Miniature Railway comprises two tracks - an elevated track and a longer ground level track.

Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
The elevated track on the Larch End loop above the line out of Parkside station

Subject to weather conditions the miniature trains operate every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday between 1 and 5pm (April to October).

Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
The ground level track cutting through a park pathway

Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
A view of Parkside station, a signal box and a tunnel

Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
The turntable at Parkside station
Eaton Park Miniature Railway in Norwich
Larch End station on the elevated track line

Hopefully next time we visit Eaton Park we'll be there on a day the miniature railway is open.

- Norwich & District Society of Model Engineers
- Friends of Eaton Park

Related blog posts:
- Miniature Railways
- Norwich
- Eaton Park Crazy Golf in Norwich

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