
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Interesting benches at Vernon Park in Stockport

A visit to Stockport's Vernon Park.

Last weekend we were in the Offerton area of Stockport for the first time since moving to the Borough last summer and so headed along to have a wander around Vernon Park - the town's oldest public park. While there we spotted some park benches which may be of interest to the Park Bench Appreciation Society.

Park benches at Vernon Park in Stockport
The centrepiece of the Sunken Rose Garden in Vernon Park

The Sunken Rose Garden is home to a number of wooden benches, with a special bench at the far end of what was once the 'Top Pond' in the park, prior to its drainage in the 1930s.

Park benches at Vernon Park in Stockport
The path to the benches

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
The special bench at the end

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
Left bench

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
Right bench
Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
The middle benches from outside the Sunken Rose Garden

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
One side of the special bench

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
The other side of the special bench

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
Having a nice sit down

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
Vernon Park Museum behind the bench

Park bench at Vernon Park in Stockport
One of the other park benches. Home to a lost jacket. Also note the two dogs having a bit of a set-to in the photo

Vernon Park was opened in 1858 and was known variously as Pinch Belly Park or the People’s Park.

Related blog posts:
Dull Men's Club
Park Bench Appreciation Society
- Stockport
- Park

- Park Bench Appreciation Society
Vernon Park, Stockport

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