
Sunday, February 12, 2017

A visit to East Didsbury railway station

Maximum Train Nerdery at East Didsbury railway station.

Since moving to the north of England we've been travelling to a lot of new places. This has given me the chance to see some new railway stations and a lot of different trains too.

Train nerd Richard Gottfried at East Didsbury railway station
Train nerd Richard Gottfried at East Didsbury railway station

My new favourite railway station is East Didsbury in Manchester. It's actually one of the closest to ours and we stopped by on Friday prior to going tenpin bowling over the road at Parrs Wood. In just ten minutes six trains passed through the station, although only one stopped. And that was en route to Llandudno!

Check out my YouTube Channel and the links below to see some of my other recent train nerdery captured on camera.

Related blog posts:
- Train Nerd
- Train
- Trains
- A trip to Ashton-under-Lyne railway station
- Tube trains on the Isle of Wight


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