
Friday, December 16, 2016

Happy Underdog Day

Happy Underdog Day to ham and eggers, journeymen, jobbers, local competitors, enhancement talent, jabronis, wildcards, also rans, palookas, runners-up, Mr Nobodies, silver medalists, and Average Joes everywhere.

The third Friday in December is the day to celebrate and honour unsung heroes, the second best among us and life’s runners-up. Not to forget those people that have made a name for themselves against the odds.

Meeting Olympic underdog Emanuele Guidi of San Marino (left) at the London 2012 Games
Meeting Olympic underdog Emanuele Guidi of San Marino (left) at the London 2012 Games

Check out the Dull Men's Club website for more details of Underdog Day.

Related blog posts:
- Underdog Day
- Dull Men's Club
- Day

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