
Friday, January 29, 2016

More minigolf puzzles

What better day for a blog about some new (old) miniature golf puzzles than today - as the 29th January is National Puzzle Day!

A Putt-Putt Puzzle of a very crazy Miniature Golf course. Published by Hallmark Cards Inc. Many thanks to our friend 'Hacksaw' Jon Drexler for sending it across the pond to live in the Crazy Golf Museum

The 'Loopy Links Putting Green Stacking Puzzle' made by the Binary Arts Corporation in 1998. Nice to see a Golf-related toy using the term 'Putting Green'

Check out our blog post from last year's National Puzzle Day to see pics of even more Crazy Golf and Minigolf jigsaw puzzles we've collected and completed* over the years.

* Well, puzzles that Emily has put together.

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