
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Ocho Reales gluten free ale

I recently heard about Ocho Reales gluten free beer via MexImport on Twitter and I was very pleased to receive a couple of sample bottles.

Ocho Reales gluten free Ale
The name was taken from the old currency 'Real de a ocho' - more commonly known as the Piece of Eight

Allergen information on the Ocho Reales gluten free Ale
Allergen information on the Ocho Reales gluten free Ale

I'm looking forward to trying them with a Mexican meal soon.

Check out the links below for more info.

- MexImport
- Ocho Reales

Related blog posts:
- Gluten free beer
Gluten Free


  1. Hi there! Just wondering if you tried this beer. I'm confused as to how it can be gluten free when malted barley is one of four ingredients.

  2. Unfortunately most gluten free beers still contain barley.

    It's deglutenised and then lab tested I believe.

    I haven't tried these yet.
