
Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Happy April Fools' Day from 'The Kentish Town Mini Golf Club'

Setting up a new minigolf club in the UK.

Emily and I have decided to set-up a new minigolf club - the Kentish Town Mini Golf Club.

Minigolf characters Richard and Emily Gottfried in Margate, Kent

I have played for the Midlands Minigolf Club since my rookie season in 2007, while Emily was most recently a member of the Cambridgeshire and Essex Mini Golf Club.

There were two main reasons for us creating a brand new club on the exciting and action packed British minigolf scene.

Last month we both competed for our respective former clubs in the BMGA British Club Championships and did well in the event. Now the time is right to build a new legacy. Starting today.

Minigolf in London at the Clarence Way Crazy Golf course in Camden
Richard playing the Clarence Way Crazy Golf course in Camden. Near Kentish Town

Back in 2011 Kent Athletic Club held a Bank Holiday Fun Day and one of the activities was Crazy Golf! The course became the 267th played on our Crazy World of Minigolf Tour and the first we'd played on a football pitch.

Minigolf at Kent Athletic Club in Leagrave, Luton
A Crazy Golf course, with a windmill, set up on a football pitch, in Leagrave

We held the inaugural Kent(ish) Invitational Tournament on that course visit and the victory went to me with a score of 34 to Emily's 42.

The code of conduct of the Kentish Town Mini Golf Club is summarised below:

  • Action - our events will be action packed 
  • Playability - we'll play at any course. Anywhere
  • Rankings - we'll set up the Kentish Town MGC ranking list for our members
  • International - we welcome players from around the world to represent the KTMGC
  • Lifestyle - we recognise minigolf is a lifestyle choice and we will have as much fun as possible while doing it
  • Fun - see above
  • Original - from it's name down, the KTMGC will be original in all it does
  • Official - it is
  • Longevity - we're in this for the long haul. Oh yes

The Kentish Town Mini Golf Club is open to all and for today only is offering free membership (the normal subs price will be £5 per player, per season). If you're interested in joining please get in touch via the comments below or on Twitter.

News of the British minigolf scene hasn't gone unnoticed. Mr Uri Foal from Kentish Town Council said "The forming of a new sports club in Kentish Town is always a cause for celebration. Having two fine minigolfers, Emily and Richard, committing their futures to the KTMGC is a sign of things to come."

Check out the links below for websites and Facebook pages of the other UK minigolf clubs.

- Kent Minigolf Club
- Midlands Minigolf Club
- Cambridgeshire and Essex Mini Golf Club
- Planet Hastings Crazy Golf Club
- London Minigolf Club - not online
- Splash Point Mini Golf Club
- Sussex Wasps Mini Golf Club
- British Minigolf Association
- European Minigolf Sport Federation
- World Minigolf Sport Federation

Related blog posts:
Crazy World of Minigolf Tour
Finally Playing the Camden Crazy Golf Course
Crazy Golf in Luton - Charity Fun Day at Kent Athletic Club
Richard Gottfried player profile
Emily Gottfried player profile


  1. Lemony6:39 am

    So excited! Our code of conduct is the heart and soul of the new Kentish Town Minigolf club!

  2. Mad - but no fool9:04 am

    Does the offer of free membership extend beyond 12 noon?

  3. I'm afraid not. Midday cut off point.

  4. Anonymous10:56 am

    Two Fine Minigolfers??? went too far

  5. Happy April Fools' Day!

    Nice to see I 'got' some people with this post :-)
