
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

National Town Criers Championships in Hastings

Historic Hastings to Host Hollering Battle.

My friend and minigolf rival John 'Big Top Ted' McIver let me know that the 62nd edition of the annual National Town Criers Championships is coming up soon.

National Town Crier Championships in 2012
A Town Crier being stentorian in Hastings at the 60th National Town Crier Championships in 2012

The Town Criers, representing towns around the country, will gather at the Priory Meadow Shopping Centre in the town on Saturday 18 October between 11am and 5pm where they will be judged on volume, diction, clarity and inflection.

National Town Criers Championships in Hastings
I don't know what the collective term is for a group of Town Criers, but here's a gathering of a few at the 2012 National Town Criers Championships in Hastings

Back in 2011 we visited the 59th edition of the National Town Criers Championships and we went along for a watch at the 60th event in 2012 too. The competition is a great spectacle.

Hastings is a great seaside town to visit, with plenty of community and cultural events going on. We're often there for Mini, Crazy and Adventure Golf tournaments down on the seafront.

Looking at the website of the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers there's a thriving competition circuit!

I wonder if Worthing's new Town Crier (the former Mayor and all-round character) Bob Smytherman will be competing over the border in East Sussex?

Bun Throwing in Abingdon
My home town of Abingdon on Thames has a very special event held on special occasions. Bun Throwing sees the townsfolk scramble for hot cross buns thrown from the roof of the old County Hall. Here's me, my brother Jon, and my dad Chris with Abingdon's Town Crier after the April 2011 Royal Bun Throwing

The Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers
- Visit 1066 Country
The 62nd National Town Criers Championship on the 1066 Country website
- National Town Criers Championship on the Hastings Borough Council website

Related blog posts:
- The 59th Annual National Town Criers Championships in Hastings
- Hastings
- World of Bun Throwing

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