
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Gluten Free Enjoy Life Soft Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies

Finding some new gluten free cookies in Tesco.

While shopping in Tesco Metro in The Mall Luton I spotted an interesting box on the Free From shelves - it was was from the US company Enjoy Life and contained chocolate chip soft baked cookies.

As I'm always looking for new and different gluten free food & drink to try I had to get them.

Enjoy Life gluten free cookies
The Enjoy Life Soft Baked Cookies contain twelve delicious treats. Unfortunately I had already scoffed four of them before I was able to take this photo

After poring over the details on the box to ensure they were total and utterly gluten & wheat free I was really pleased to see they were.

You get twelve cookies in a box for £3 and while they may look a little small they are packed full of choc chips, nice and squidgy, and delicious. Thinking back I may well have had some of the Enjoy Life range on a previous trip to the USA as I always try to stock up my hotel room from the nearest Whole Foods Market.

As someone with Coeliac Disease I've been 'stung' a few times over the years when products have proclaimed they are 'gluten free', but in the very small-print it'll say something along the lines of 'made in a facility that handles gluten/wheat etc.' so I was very pleased indeed to see that the box was full of reassuring signs of it being safe for me to eat.

Enjoy Life foods are 'Free from the 8 common allergens'*. On the Enjoy Life website you can read that they are dedicated to producing delicious snacks that are certified gluten-free and safe for those who have celiac (coeliac) disease, gluten intolerance or gluten sensitivity so everyone can enjoy without worry.

Enjoy Life gluten free cookies
The reassuring and bold messages on the box of Enjoy Life gluten free cookies

The Enjoy Life Soft Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies are also Dairy, Nut and Soy Free and made in a dedicated nut and gluten-free bakery. Great to know.

I'll be looking out for more Enjoy Life products on sale in the UK.

Related blog posts:
Gluten Free
Coeliac Disease

- Enjoy Life
- Tesco
- Empire Food Brokers

* Enjoy Life products are free of eight common allergens and listed on the box are: wheat, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, soy, fish and shellfish. They are also made without casein, potato, sesame and sulfites. They are also marked as 'Certified Gluten-Free' by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO) - a program of The Gluten Intolerance Group.


  1. I've tried the gingerbread ones before. They trialed them in my Tesco but have since vanished. They were wonderfully soft and spicy

  2. Let's hope Tesco, Enjoy Life and Empire Food Brokers take note ;-)
