
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Little Oasis Crazy Golf in Cliftonville, Margate - an update

We revisited the Little Oasis Crazy Golf in Cliftonville, Margate on Friday 9th of May 2014 as we'd heard it'd recently closed down, after being temporarily used as a skate park.

It's in a really sorry state and its terrible to see it now, as it was a 36-hole classic Arnold Palmer Putting Complex.

Related blog posts:
- Course Played #37 Margate (Little Oasis Crazy Golf) Cliftonville - Minigolf (Arnold Palmer) 1 of the 2 18-hole courses - Crazy World of Minigolf Tour
- Still not played - Cliftonville Crazy Golf!
- Minigolf course played #215 - Arnold Palmer 'South' Course at the Little Oasis Crazy Golf in Cliftonville, Margate
- Crazy World of Minigolf Tour


  1. Richard, this was a wonderfully kept two-course complex in Eighties with similar aspects to Hastings .... could have staged World Crazies, it was that good, so sad :((

  2. Anonymous6:40 pm

    I used to run the Arnold Palmer putting course during the late 70's early 80's, in it's heyday so to speak. We were very busy with a great hotel and guest-house custom. We would be open all day right up until 11.00 pm some days in Summer.
    It became less and less used from late 80's early 90's by which time I was out of it. The current lessee was on a loss and ended their lease in 2013. The Council left looking for a new lessee or to sell the land. It became derelict and a group of scallywag skateboarders broke in and destroyed part of the South Course, building concrete ramps over the greens. The Council were slow in evicting them and had to demolish the destruction to the course and re-secure it again. No convictions were brought against the group, who are still badgering the Council in letting them have it back again because the Council has still not leased it out a year later in 2015.
    It was a shame to see the course go. It was part of a large group of putting courses around our coastal tourist spots in it's day. It ended up being called Little Oasis Crazy Golf.

  3. Terry McElligott6:57 pm

    I ran the Margate course during the late 70's - mid 80's and tried to keep it immaculate. It was really busy we were open to 11.00 pm on some Summer nights. It was a shame it got destroyed by some skateboarders who illegally trespassed on the sight after the lessee left. It is ruined but was still in good shape before. It could be put back to how it was but who is going to when there are no customers anymore ? I fear the skateboarders will come back and have another go at it. They need somewhere to skate but here ? Oh dear.

  4. Hi Terry and thank you for your comments. Some very interesting info. A real shame that the course is now derelict. I do enjoy playing Arnold Palmer Putting Courses. All the very best, Richard.

  5. You are welcome Richard.

    We are now in 2021 and the council have not done anything with this site yet. It is still lying in a derelict state overgrown and being used as a dog toilet with fencing ripped down for access. Most residents are asking for it to be brought back into use or bulldozed and I must agree.

    Margate has continued to dive downwards since the 1980's with less and less to do in the town. Dreamland is less than half the size it used to be, the Lido is non existent, most of the beaches are lacking toilet facilities, the boats are all gone from the harbour, the promenade shelters and lifts left to become derelict and the Edwardian Flagstff never replaced after being blown down in a gale two years ago, but there is an art gallery called The Turner Contemporary, not much to do there though ! There is no foresight for the area by anyone in authority at Thanet District Council unfortunately.

    Tourism was such a strong area in Thanet with Ramsgate and Broadstairs seaside towns always full to the brim just like in Margate and Cliftonville. There just isn't enough people to sustain the crazy golf season anymore.

    But, there is a small crazy golf course on Broadstairs seafront behind the bandstand at Viking Bay. It has similarities to the Arnold Palmer courses so if in the area during summer it is well worth a visit.

    All the best, Terry McElligott

  6. It's a real shame. Even if some of the former 36-holes could be salvaged it could be recreated as a course.

    Thanks for the Broadstairs tip. Haven't played that course in quite a few years, but enjoyed it when I did.

  7. If anyone is still interested in this blog, I just want to conclude that Thanet District Council is about to draw up a new lease on this ex Arnold Palmer putting course with funding through a Government grant. Unfortunately it means that the two derelict crazy golf courses are almost certainly to be bulldozed as the council plans to build a £750,000 skateboard park there later in 2022. I do not even think the legal covenant for perpetuity to stop anything over the height of 4 foot being constructed will be able to halt it. Council's always find a way around covenants when it is something they plan.
    This is a sad year for Crazy gold in Margate but the memories there will live on. I prided myself in keeping it immaculate through the busy summer seasons. I was very sorry to see it come to an end.

    Terry McElligott

  8. Thank you for the update.

    It'll be a real shame to see the courses disappear forever.

    At least we have the memories, photos and old postcards showing what once was.

    All the very best.
