
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Updated Miniature Golf Player Profiles for 2012

Following the end of the 2012 Minigolf Season the Miniature Golf Player Profiles for Minigolf, Adventure Golf and Crazy Golf Players Richard Gottfried, Emily Gottfried and Christopher Gottfried have been updated. Check them out at:

- Richard Gottfried's Minigolf Player Profile

- Emily Gottfried's Minigolf Player Profile

- Christopher Gottfried's Minigolf Player Profile

- British Minigolf Association
- World Minigolf Sport Federation

1 comment:

  1. Lemony1:18 pm

    Very Nice & Comprehensive Profiles there Squire! Good Job :)

    I'll have to take part in a few more tournaments next year to try and beat the heady-heights of my 2008 ranking position of 29th!
