
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Finger Jousting to feature as a sport at the 2012 World Alternative Games!

First-ever UK Finger Jousting Championship to be contested in the World Alternative Games in Wales.

The World Alternative Games have kicked off in the town of Llanwrtyd Wells, Wales with over 50 competitions taking place from the 17th August until the 2nd September! The town may be Britain's smallest, but it's the new world capital of weird, wacky and obscure sports.

The noble sport of Finger Jousting is one of those events and a tournament endorsed by the sport's international governing body, the World Finger Jousting Federation, will be contested on Friday 24th August.

Finger Jousters aged 16 and over can enter for the princely sum of £4 and will be competing for the coveted title of UK Finger Jousting Champion and the prestigious World Alternative Games Gold Medal! All contestants will receive one of the Corinthian Medals from the World Alternative Games organisers. The tournament will see players compete in a knockout tournament with each match consisting of three rounds of Point Play Rules Finger Jousting.

You can find out more about the Finger Jousting event on the World Alternative Games website.

Please visit the World Finger Jousting Federation's website for comprehensive information on the game, rules, terminology and 'history' of the sport. You can also join the WFJF via the online shop.

As the newly installed British Consul(!) to the World Finger Jousting Federation I will not be able to compete in the tournament, but I'll be hoping to have a few Quick Play Finger Jousting Bouts to enhance my Win-Loss record while I'm in Llanwrtyd Wells. There are also Croquet and Bubble Blowing Championships taking place when we're in town so I'll be going for gold in those events.

Video: Match-up between Squire Richard of Surleigh and his arch-rival Sir Myles of Hampshire in a point play rules Finger Jousting contest in March 2007.

I am currently on an undefeated streak of 82 matches, lasting since the 21st December 2006! The last opponent to defeat me was Emily Gottfried in a Quick Play Rules match. I quickly sought revenge and defeated her 7-0 in a Point Play Match that very same day!

My overall Finger Jousting Career Win-Loss Record stands at:
Played - 125
Won - 113
Lost - 9
Tied - 3

Since I became a 'Pro' member of the WFJF I have played 111 matches, winning 104 of them, losing four times and drawing three contests.

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  1. Check out the report and photos from the World Alternative Games 2012 Finger Jousting Championships over at the World Finger Jousting Federation's website at - "News: World Alternative Games 2012 Finger Jousting Championships".

    You can find out more about joining the WFJF on the Membership page.

    Further information about the World Alternative Games can be found here.

  2. A report from the World Alternative Games 2012 Finger Jousting Championships written by women's championship Bronze Medallist Hannah 'The Spoon' Timms can be found at "Finger Jousting World Championships 2012".

    Congratulations to Philip 'Mr Big' Large on his World Title victory and to 'The Spoon' on her Bronze Medal finish.

    You can follow the pair's adventures on the Travelling By Express Spoon blog.
