
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Visiting Oxford #2

A quick stop-off at another Oxford in Northumberland!

On our Roadtrip to Scotland and back we were driving along the A1 just south of Berwick-upon-Tweed when we spotted a sign for 'Oxford'. As I was born in Oxford I had to head there to see what this particular version was like...

Road Sign for Oxford
The road sign showing Oxford is a mere 1/2 mile away

At the 'Welcome to Oxford' sign

...there wasn't much to it. In fact on a crossroads of the B6525 there is The Oxford Farm Shop, Tea Room and Restaurant. Over the road from the shop is a field of sheep and that is all! Quite different to the other Oxford!

This is pretty much all of this 'Oxford' captured in one photo

This Oxford also contains two Brown Tourist Signs - one for 'The OXFORD Farm Shop and tearooms' and the other lets people know that they now stock Card and Scrapbook Making Essentials in the Farm Shop!

It's not the first time on our travels around the UK that we've found an A.N. Other version of a town/island/state/country! We've also been to The Isle of Wight (near Dunstable), Ireland (in Bedfordshire), Egypt (in Buckinghamshire), New England (in Essex) and Luton (in Kent).

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  1. Lemony7:35 pm

    Always exciting to visit the "lesser-known" villages and towns of the UK. We still have one more 'Luton' to go!

  2. Two more Luton's to go in England! There are a couple of other's in Devon.

    Plus one in Iowa, USA!
