
Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Gluten Free Food & Beer (and Bar Billiards) in Baldock

Coeliac-friendly Fish & Chips and Beer. And a game or three of Bar Billiards.

The Fish 'n' Chick'n' fish & chip shop in Baldock, Hertfordshire caters for Coeliacs on the last Tuesday of the month when many of the items on the menu can be made Gluten Free. Emily and I revisited recently and once again found the food and service to be very good. It's well worth a visit.

We also visited the Orange Tree pub in the town for a few games of our new favourite pub game - Bar Billiards. I had previously played the table at the pub in February and on this visit we had a chat to the landlord Rob, who inbetween running the Pub Quiz, showed us the new extension to the pub (host to a pub games sporting event later this summer!) and also told us about the Gluten Free food and drinks they offer. The beer they have is the Hambleton's Gluten Free Ale and Gluten Free Lager.

In our games of Bar Billiards Emily defeated me two games to one. In Game one I picked up a win 980 to nil after Emily had wiped-out her score of 350 and I scored a white ball to the 200 hole on the sudden-death shoot-out.

In game two Emily shot her highest score to date to pick up a victory 1,160 points to 320, with Emily hitting a red ball to 20 and a white to a 50 hole to finish.

In the final game of the series Emily won a close game 580 to 430, scoring 100 in the sudden-death shoot-out.

Bar Billiards in Baldock, Hertfordshire
A different view of the Bar Billiards table at The Orange Tree

Bar Billiards table in Baldock, Hertfordshire
Knocking down two mushrooms with one shot

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1 comment:

  1. Lemony1:51 pm

    Very good fish & chips and Bar Billards... can't wait for next time :)
