
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Minigolf Info - "An Introduction to the British Minigolf Association" & "Starting Out In Minigolf"

Two of the Minigolf Sport Governing Bodies that I play competitive minigolf in have information available online about the sport of Minigolf, the rules of the game and the associations that administrate them.

You can check out the British Minigolf Assocations information flyer 'An Introduction to the British Minigolf Association' which has details about the BMGA, its competitions, benefits of membership and the (Abridged) Rules of Minigolf.

The World Minigolf Sport Federation has a brochure called 'Starting Out In Minigolf' and gives a background to the sport, basic rules and information on the four systems of Minigolf the WMF uses for their competitions.

You can join the BMGA as either a 'Tour Pro', or for free as a 'Standard' member. Full details can be found on the BMGA's Membership Page.

- The BMGA
- The WMF
- An Introduction to the British Minigolf Association (BMGA)
- Starting Out In Minigolf brochure by the World Minigolf Sport Federation (WMF)

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