
Friday, January 27, 2012

Receiving the OFBIMT Minigolf Trophy Orb... the Car Park at Star City (the Las Vegas of the West Midlands).

'Birthday Boy' Oliver Florence presents the mysterious Green Orb to me. Note the 'unique' handshake Florence has applied

A more traditional approach to the trophy presentation

Me and the Orb

The Orb was my reward for winning the Oliver Florence Birthday Invitational Minigolf Tournament in December 2011.

The late presentation of the trophy was due to previous Champion Guy Martin forgetting to bring it to New Malden, having left it somewhere ending in 'ham'.

- "Glory for Gottfried as Martin's mistake fails to cloud celebrations"

1 comment:

  1. Lemony5:37 pm

    Slightly strange, but entirely fitting award ceremony & location ;)

    it has been added to the trophy shelf though :)
