
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Minigolf Doubles Teams - Gottfried & Lancley / Gottfried & Shepherd - Sponsorship Opportunities Available

A new Minigolf Doubles Team will be created at the upcoming 2011 BMGA British Doubles Championships to be held at the Four Ashes Golf Centre, Dorridge, West Midlands, as Luton's 'Squire' Richard Gottfried teams up with Great Britain team-mate Scott 'Donkey Gringo' Lancley, who hails from Margate. In last year's tournament Richard's team (with Kevin Moseley) were on the podium in 3rd place, losing only one-match during the event. Scott's team (with Nick Chitty) finished in 13th place.

Emily 'Coach' Gottfried will also be in action at the BMGA British Doubles Championships, once again teaming with London's Brad 'The Fist' Shepherd. Last year the duo were 3rd in the Lost World Classic in Hemsby, Norfolk. In the 2010 BMGA British Doubles Championships Emily and her partner Cindy Kukielka finished in 4th place, while Brad and his team-mate Chris Jones finished in 7th spot.

All four players are Great Britain International Team Members.

Both Minigolf Partnerships are seeking Sponsorship for the one-day tournament, with opportunities for player sponsorship also available for the Midlands Open minigolf competition to be held the day before the BMGA British Doubles Championships at the end of July.

To sponsor the teams, and/or Richard and Emily Gottfried in future Minigolf tournaments please get in touch.

Link to the British Minigolf Association.

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