
Monday, February 14, 2011

Rock Paper Scissors Tournament at The Crown in Bristol

While at the Geoffrey Oi!cott gig on Saturday night we held an impromptu Minigolfers Rock Paper Scissors Tournament (following on from the GoRPS Rock Paper Scissors Championships in Birmingham in January)

Irchester's Marc 'The Roller' Bazeley had triumphed at the Star City event, with an impressive undefeated streak of 4 wins in a row, in the 'best-of-3-throws-winner-stays-on' format event. But this time out he lost to a slightly confused Alan Norman, who was DQ'd in his next match for using an illegal RPS throw!?

Full Results from the GoRPS Rock Paper Scissors Championships in Bristol
Match 1 - Marc Bazeley beat Richard Gottfried
Match 2 - Marc Bazeley lost to Alan Norman
Match 3 - Alan Norman was disqualified for using an illegal throw of 'Sausage' in his match versus Brad Shepherd
Match 4 - Brad Shepherd beat Chris 'Lobster Scrumpy' Jones in the final

No photos from the matches exist, although there is a great video of Alan Norman's dancing following the Punk Gig!

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