
Friday, August 28, 2009

No Crazy Golf course at the top of Constitution Hill, Aberystwyth...

...despite what some of the advertising says!?

When I asked a member of staff if there was a Crazy Golf course on Constitution Hill she said that there wasn't but lots of people had been asking about it. I wonder why!

There was however a 9-hole Frisbee Golf course. I played five of the holes and then gave myself sevens for the final four holes as it wasn't anywhere near as fun as Mini Golf and Crazy Golf.

As a sort of very poor consolation 'prize' I did manage to find an out of order 18-hole Putting Challenge Minigolf Arcade Machine in the 'Games Room'.


  1. Seth Thomas11:06 pm

    When I went last year the putting machine was still out of order!

  2. Thanks for the update ;-)

    It's amazing how many people I speak to have been to Constitution Hill. I do like Aberystwyth in general too.

    Did you play the Swedish Felt Minigolf and the excellent Castle Grounds Putting?
