
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Minigolf Course Visits 124 & 125 - Swansea / Abertawe

The courses we played in the 2009 Cystadleuaeth Minigolff Cymraeg tournament were the 124th and 125th Mini Golf / Crazy Golf courses visited and played on the Crazy World of Minigolf Tour.

Both courses in Swansea were played 'blind' with no practice time prior to the tournament itself.

Both courses were of similar design and build and shared many of the same obstacles, the course at The Mumbles (below) was judged to be the tougher of the two.

Crazy Golf in Swansea
Crazy Golf in Swansea
Crazy Golf in Swansea
Crazy Golf in Swansea
Crazy Golf in Swansea
Is this the 'Lucky 19th Hole'?
Crazy Golf in Swansea
Although we didn't get to play the Crazy Golf course at Singleton Boating Lake on the day before the Cystadleuaeth Minigolff Cymraeg we did go along to have a sneak preview.

Crazy Golf in Swansea
Crazy Golf in Swansea
Crazy Golf in Swansea

Related blog posts:
Crazy World of Minigolf Tour list of courses visited and played

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