
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Official WMF World Minigolf Rankings (Nov 08)

Following our selection to compete for the Great Britain Minigolf Sport Team in the 2008 Nations Cup in Finland back in May, Emily and I have received our Official World Minigolfsport Federation (WMF) World Minigolf Rankings for International Team Competition.

In the Women's Rankings Emily is ranked in tied 115th place of 120 places (129 players qualify to be currently ranked) and is one of only two Great Britain female minigolfers currently ranked in the WMF List (the other is Marion Homer). Along with Emily and Marion, Ruth Bullin is the only other female to have represented Great Britain in a WMF Sanctioned International Minigolf Tournament.

In the Men's Ranking List I am ranked in joint 425th of 433 places (443 players qualify to be currently ranked).

In the Nations Rankings Great Britain has dropped one place to 20th in the World. Germany, Sweden and Switzerland are currently ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd. The USA has also dropped one place, and are now 19th in the List.

More information and the full rankings can be found at the World Minigolfsport Federation (WMF) website and

Details of our participation in the 2008 Nations Cup can be found here

Details about the British Minigolf Association (BMGA) can be found here

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