
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Minigolf Course Number 74...

...The Jurassic Encounter Adventure Golf Course in New Malden!

The Jurassic Encounter Adventure Golf course in New Malden
A very nicely themed new course and an enjoyable visit on the Crazy World of Minigolf Tour.

Jurassic Encounter Adventure Golf course in New Malden
The scores on the day:
Emily 'Coach' Gottfried 42(+6) - win
'Squire' Richard Gottfried 45(+9)

Jurassic Encounter Adventure Golf course in New Malden
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  1. Just found your blog. Looks fun. will have a read. We were at Jurassic Encounter this weekend and my son (aged 10) scored a 38!!!! He was super pleased. What are the numbers in brackets after your scores? Cheers.

  2. Hello Sam,

    Many thanks for your comment.

    Glad you like the blog, I hope you enjoy reading the other posts.

    The 38 at New Malden is a very good score, well done indeed.

    The numbers in brackets show how many shots over/under par we were during our round.

    We base this on the competition-standard that each hole has a par of 2, so an 18-hole course has an overall par of 36. So where Emily scored 42, she was 6 shots over par, so '+6'.

    Your son therefore scored +2.

    Many courses have their own par system, if you look at the Jurassic Encounter scorecard it may show a par per hole. I'd have a guess and say the course par was probably 42.

    All the best and have fun playing Minigolf.

