
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AIMG League 2008 - Final Results of Richard Gottfried

Adventure Island Mini Golf League 2008

Week 1
Beat Sabine Boze (40-43), HC
Beat Matthew Harding (36-38), HC
Played 2, Won 2, Lost 0, Drawn 0, Points 6, Rank – 1st (Tied)

Extra Match Played in Advance
Lost to Chris Harding (35-34) HC
Played 3, Won 2, Lost 1, Drawn 0, Points 6, Rank – 2nd (Tied)

Week 2
Played 3, Won 2, Lost 1, Drawn 0, Points 6, Rank – 3rd (Tied)

Week 3
Beat Matt Smith (36-39) HC
Lost to Jam Trubridge (39-34) LH
Lost to Fraser Cameron (39-37) LH
Beat Mystery Player (39-46) LH
Played 7, Won 4, Lost 3, Drawn 0, Points 12, Rank – 3rd

Week 4
Void week – Bank Holiday

Week 5
Beat John Whitehead (35-41) LH
Beat Andy Gonsalves (38-50) LH
Beat Jam Trubridge (33-37) HC
Played 10, Won 7, Lost 3, Drawn 0, Points 21, Rank – 1st (Tied)

Week 6
Beat Matt Smith (38-41) LH
Beat Fraser Cameron (33-36) HC
Lost to Chris Harding (41-38) LH
Beat Andy Gonsalves (33-41) HC
Played 14, Won 10, Lost 4, Drawn 0, Points 30, Rank – 1st

Week 7

Week 8
Beat John Whitehead (35-41) HC
Beat Matthew Harding (38-41), LH
Played 16, Won 12, Lost 4, Drawn 0, Points 36, Rank – 1st

Adventure Island Minigolf League – Richard Gottfried’s final win/loss record
Played 14*, Won 10, Lost 4, Drawn 0, Points 30
(Overall results Weeks 1-8, Played 16, Won 12, Lost 4, Drawn 0, Points 36)
* Due to two players dropping out of the league the results of matches against them do not count in the final rankings (this is adjusted for all remaining players).

Week 9
Final Adventure Island Mini Golf League Table decided (see below)

Name Played Pts Rank
Chris Harding 14 31 1
Richard Gottfried 14 30 2
Jam Trubridge 13 21 3
Matthew Harding 14 18 4
Fraser Cameron 14 18 4
Andy Gonsalves 14 17 6
John Whitehead 13 16 7
Matthew Smith 14 12 7

HC = Hidden Cove Challenge Course
LH = Lost Hut Trail Course

More information on Adventure Island Mini Golf can be found here:

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